Lay Leadership

About Lay Leadership

Strong leadership is vital to the health and effectiveness of any organization, and our church is no exception. Lay Leadership helps us fulfill our mission to be an encouraging church to connect with God and each other. 

Lay Leaders support VUMC with their prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. They also engage in spiritual practices that build attentiveness to God’s will and direction. Members of the Lay Leadership maintain a healthy, growing spiritual life and advocate for the local church. Finally, they will adhere to the United Methodist Church Book of Discipline.

Lay leadership at Valley includes members of our church and the community at large.

Below you will find a list of the different positions and responsibilities of our Lay Leadership along with the names of those currently serving in each position.



Roles & Responsibilities

This group consists of 11+ church members and works with the senior pastor to discern, develop, implement, and evaluate the vision and ministry of the local church. The board reports to the Charge Conference and meets on the second Sunday of each month at noon.


Chair: Nikki Heidelbach

Recording Secretary: Lori Dendy

Sr. Pastor: Wren Clanton

Lay Leader: Lori Dendy

Treasurer: Chuck Pate

Financial Secretary: Mary Krell

Finance Rep: Mike Walters

Finance Rep: Dennis Schaffer

SPRC Chair: Woody Grayson

SPRC Rep: Sherwood Anderson

SPRC Rep: Sharron Pate

SPRC Rep: Dawn McCulley

Trustees Chair: Chris McNeill

Trustees Rep: Sarah Joy Webb

Trustees Rep: Mark Clatterbaugh

Ministry Staff Representative: Matthew Gardener

Young Adult/Youth Representative: Rex Webb

This group consists of 11+ church members and works with the senior pastor to discern, develop, implement, and evaluate the vision and ministry of the local church. The board reports to the Charge Conference and meets on the second Sunday of each month at noon.


Chair: Nikkie Hiedelbach

Recording Secretary: Lori Dendy

Sr. Pastor: Wren Clanton

Lay Leader: Lori Dendy

Treasurer: Chuck Pate

Financial Secretary: Mary Krell

Finance Rep: Mike Walters

Finance Rep: Denis Schaffer

SPRC Chair: Woody Grayson

SPRC Rep: Sherwood Anderson

SPRC Rep: Sharron Pate

SPRC Rep: Dawn McCulley

Trustees Chair: Chris McNeill

Trustees Rep: John Blakely

Trustees Rep: Sarah Joy Webb

Trustees Rep: Mark Clatterbaugh

Ministry Staff Representative: Matthew Gardener

Young Adult/Youth Representative: Rex Web

The Lay Leader is the primary Lay Representative of the church.

Currently Serving: Lori Dendy

The SPRC will build and grow strong working relationships among the clergy, staff, and the congregation.

The committee shall be composed of not fewer than five nor more than nine persons. All must be professing members of the local church. One member shall be a young adult and one member may be a youth. In addition, the lay leader and lay member of the annual conference shall be members.

No staff member or immediate family member of a staff member may serve on the committee. Only one person residing in the same household shall serve on the committee. The United Methodist Book of Discipline 2012, ¶258.2  


Chair: Woody Grayson

Sherwood Anderson

Sharron Pate

Dawn McCulley

The Board of Trustees shall have the supervision, oversight, and care of all real property owned by the church and of all property and equipment acquired by the local church or by any organization connected therewith including gifts and bequests. 

Valley’s Board of Trustees must be composed of at least 3 and no more than 9 people. Trustees shall be of legal age as defined by law, and 2/3 shall be professing members of the United Methodist Church. No pastor is a voting member unless elected as a member. The Board of Trustees will elect their own chairperson. The chairperson must be a professing member of the local church (retired or active clergy are not eligible but may serve as members). Legal requirements for trustees of property are outlined in the United Methodist Book of Discipline 2012, ¶2524 through 2550.


Chair: Chris McNeill

John Blakely

Sarah Joy Webb

Mark Clatterbaugh

The committee on Finance proposes a budget and then raises, manages, and distributes financial resources to fulfill the mission and vision of the local congregation.  

The financial secretary will receive, record, and deposit all funds received by the congregation in a timely, thorough and confidential manner. The financial secretary also works directly with the treasurer and committee on Finance to develop policies and procedures for church finances and assets. 

The treasurer has oversight of funds received into the church treasury and responsible application of those funds in accordance with the church budget, keeping accurate records of all money received and spent.   

The positions of church treasurer and financial secretary should not be combined, nor should they be members of the same immediate family as outlined in The United Methodist Book of Discipline, 2012, ¶258.4. All ex officio plus chairperson and at-large members are approved by the Charge Conference. Pastor(s) may vote on Finance matters but no other paid staff may vote.


Treasurer: Chuck Pate

Secretary: Mary Krell

Mike Walters

Denis Schaffer

The Lay Member(s) of the Annual Conference will inform the congregation about the UMC in the Annual Conference and around the world.

Currently Serving: 

Lori Dendy & Lilli Mikell

The Membership Secretary keeps accurate membership records which helps the congregation know its current numbers and assists in plans and systems for growth through professions of faith, baptisms, members, and discipleship. 

Currently Serving:

Kay Vest